Lucas Evacuation Drill Oct 18th Hello CERT TeamWe have been contacted by the EMA to participate in a drill located in Lucas Ohio. This drill will need, at minimum, 6 Volunteers to assist with traffic flow during the evacuation even taking place on Oct 18 in the early afternoon. This event will also be a multi-agnecy event, meaning you will be working with many other departments and groups, and you will need to have your CERT Gear on and be prepared to work both inside buildings and/or outside directing traffic and people. The team members that sign up for this event will be meeting prior to the event to get your gear and receive instructions on what we will be doing at the event..Please leave your name and contact information on the form below so we can reach you as more information becomes avaialble. Name*FirstLast Email* Phone-Area Code* Area Code – Phone Number SubmitReset